CRDI Papers  - June 2022

Essays and research designs

How Infinitism can boost Nanotechnology

June 2022

Nanotechnology has many capacities to go far, but science, technology, and industry cannot do it alone. They need a philosophical booster. Here enters the Infinitism theory. 

How to find countless solutions to any problem?

June 2022

The Infinitism theory suggests that we can find uncountable solutions to every problem if we know how to do it. Here are the principles for such a claim.

Development of the Infinitism theory from its inception

June 2022

How the Infinitism theory had been started and what were the main steps of its development. In this paper, this story is told and the major arguments of this theory are presented.

Infinitism and Metaphysical Realism

June 2022

Creating a Systematic Worldview had proven to be a difficult task in the history of philosophy. The major reason for this is the fragility of the metaphysical realism-based foundation for such an undertaking.

The search of infinitude in an apple tree

June 2022

According to the Infinitism theory, everything has endless resources if we can figure out how to access them. Here's an example of how you might go about it.

Can language integrate infinity?

June 2022

The current structure of language is incapable of expressing reality's unlimited nature. This has an impact on our outlook as well. Is it possible to transform our language into one that is dynamic and encompasses infinity?

The Future of Humankind in the hands of Artificial Intelligence

June 2022

Is it possible that the takeover of human civilization by Artificial Intelligence is inescapable? Let's see it.

Infinitism and the Projection of its Future

June 2022

Theory of Infinitism is opening its way towards where it can be a good initiation for the review of the established barren ideas and beliefs. This is how it counts on doing so.

Theory of Infinitism: Junction of Philosophy and Science

June 2022

Infinitism is a philosophical theory that proposes a scheme for viewing the material world in a new light. It conjures up a picture of infinity at work within any material phenomenon.

How can philosophy spearhead science?

June 2022

Philosophy opens the door to science, allowing it to break free from the artificial constraints that have imprisoned it and prevented it from seeing the infinite possibilities of the material universe.

The philosophical status of the Infinitism theory

June 2022

Infinitism has established itself as a philosophical theory, encompassing the three domains of Ontology, Epistemology, and Logic to develop its key statements.

CRDI Papers - May 2022

Essays and research designs

Why we can't think what AI can?

May 2022

The scope of knowledge we can have about the universe is determined by our mental and intellectual patterns. It's past time to entrust AI with the duty of breaking through the barriers that we will never be able to break through with the same mindset that built them.

Science Enriched by Philosophy (Example of Infinitism)

May 2022

Science has self-imposed restrictions, which philosophy might assist it overcome in order to discover new possibilities in the material universe. Here's an illustration of what we are  talking about.

Why the “Stationary Point” cannot exist?

May 2022

Many scientific facts are more relative than what we can imagine. But we cannot find them through the same mindset that had established these facts. We need a completely different standpoint to see them. 

Infinitist Materialism and Existence

May 2022

Our definition of existence should not be purely abstract, but rather one that has a practical application for us.

So, where are these damned aliens? (A philosophical answer)

May 2022

Waiting for the aliens that don't come? Here is an explanation of the reasons for which they don't show up. 

The Sameness of Existential Scaling: The key to reproducing the universe

May 2022

We could question how working on that can help us to create new universes once we learn that any scaling in material existence is replicable.

Giordano Bruno and the Theory of Infinitism

May 2022

Throughout history, the dominant institution has attempted to suppress fresh ideas that threaten to undermine it. It did it to the infinitist Italian scholar Giordano Bruno once, by burning him alive, and now it might do it to the new Infinitism theory.

CRDI Papers  - April 2022

Essays and research designs

Randomness and Predictability in the Universe

April 2022

Randomness and predictability are anthropic concepts whose actuality is determined by how in-depth our examination of matter's structure is.

The Dead Myth of Dying

April 2022

Death, according to Infintism, is a mutable process. We now have the theoretical tools to change the course by which death stops life's flow. This is just one illustration of what we can achieve if we understand more about the endless character of matter's structure.

Infinitist Epistemology and the Concept of Existence

April 2022

The concept of Existence is essential for objectively comprehending the universe and beyond. Infinitism attempts to give a more precise definition of it.

Matter as Living Entity

April 2022

The distinction between "organic" and "inorganic" is completely made up. Organic matter is the only way for matter to exist. But what exactly do we mean when we use this term?

The Avoidable Scaling of Existence 

April 2022

Scaling is an epistemological burden that we impose on our knowledge of the universe. Once our vision is free of that we could see that any extent of the universe has the same amount of matter and energy than any other scope of it.

Patterns as the Fabric of Matter

April 2022

Is it possible to utilize patterns to describe the fabric of matter? This article tries to make a case for it.

Infinity as Action in Infinitude 

April 2022

If we define infinity as an action in infinitude we can get a better idea on its nature: an endless process of generating what we call the matter.

CRDI Papers - March 2022

Essays and research designs

The Quintessence of Infinity

March 2022

Infinity should reveal its quintessence so that we can figure out how to deal with and use it. This is an attempt to determine what infinity is.

Existential Genuineness and Anthropic Falsification

March 2022

Our anthropic misconceptions alienated us from an objective understanding of the universe; therefore we could not communicate with the matter as is: Infinitude in action

Countless Number of States of Matter

March 2022

The four known states of matter are only a fraction of the innumerable states that could exist. We need a comprehensive theory of matter to see these immeasurable states.

Metaverse's demonstrative role in the theory of Infinitism

March 2022

Because it's difficult to imagine the infinity of the material universe and its resources, concepts like Metaverse and our notion of Infiniteverse could be a useful tool for virtualizing it.

Microcosm, Macrocosm, Infnitecosm

March 2022

A different view on dimensionality will marry microcosm and macrocosm to give birth to infinitecosm

Conception of a solution-finding oriented system

March 2022

Can we conceive a system that processes intelligently and purposefully the human-produced knowledge to offer solutions for today's world challenges?

The Reversible Trend: A methodology to stop the damaging process 

March 2022

How can we halt the destructive process by reversing the event that is creating it? Here's a possible solution.

CRDI Papers  - February 2022

Essays and research designs

The most complex system ever built

February 2022

We only utilise a small amount of human knowledge. How can we imagine a system that allows us to explore a large portion of it?

The Cavemen's Worldview Behind the Ukraine Invasion

February  2022

The mentality that led to the invasion of Ukraine is as primitive as the world's oldest warfare. They're all founded on the assumption that our planet's resources are insufficient to meet everyone's needs.

Was George Floyd condemned to death on March 12, 1488?

February 2022

How could we conceive a system that is able to trace the causality of a case very far not only  in the past but also in the future? The theory of Infinitism has an idea for that.

A new Definition of Infinity

February 2022

It's time to let go of the false boundaries we've erected around the concept of Infinity. If we do so, we will be able to witness how powerful this concept is in changing not only our view but also our world.

Infinity as Causation of Existence


Infinity can be defined as the process through which existence is materialized. This is a permanent process of composition and decomposition in intercreating relationships.

Three major blunders about infinity

February 2022

To gain a deeper understanding of the infinite, we must first eliminate all the misunderstandings that prevent us from making an objective discovery of it. In the absence of this crucial discovering activity, we began to develop various beliefs about infinity that did not reflect its actuality.

Matter is not a thing but an infinite action

February 2022

 The new science will not be based on the same philosophical image of existence as before, but on a new vision in which we learn that matter has no structure but is made up of linked limitless actions. Beyond that, all we see is the consequence of our unconscious subjective historical interpretation shaped by our anthropic epistemological artifacts.

CRDI Papers  - January 2022

Essays and research designs

How Infinity Makes Matter Exist

January 2022

For a long time, we thought matter and infinity were two separate entities: one actual and material, and the other abstract. Infinitism alters this perspective and reveals something new.

Philosophical Review of the Wolfram’s Theory of Everything (1)

January 2022

We examine Wolfram's theory of everything for its foundations from an infinitist perspective in this paper. This is the first phase of a study that will be competed and released in stages.

Methodological Finding of Infinity

January 2022

We should examine how we can see the infinity that exists within the matter, rather than if the matter can suit our idea of Infinity.

The Need for New Mathematics in the Face of the Coming Data Explosion

January 2022

With the data explosion that lures in the coming years we should get prepared with a fundamental review of the scientific basis for.

Can philosophy decipher Gravitation? 

January 2022

Without the assistance of philosophy for the main foundation of such a theory, physics will not be able to develop a unified theory of matter.

About Infinitylogy and training Infinitylogists

Jauary 2022

Infinitylogy will emerge as a new discipline, necessitating the development of a training program for those who would become future Infinitylogists.

Why a new theory about Infinity? 

January 2022

Is there any specific  necessity to develop a new theory on Infinity? The theory of Infinitism attempts to answer to this question. 

The Sameness of Existence and Essence

January 2022

A solution that is established by the theory of Infinitism solves the duality of Existence and Essence.

Application of Infinitism (1)  In the Medical Science


We now have a vast understanding of the human body and its intricate features. However, it must be completed and utilized wisely. To do so, we must view the human body in a new light, allowing each piece of information to fit together like a jigsaw, allowing us to better understand and treat disorders and disease. It is achievable thanks to Infinitism's methodology, which is founded on its central claims.

 How Infinitism helps overcome the collective fear of new technology 

January 2022

Should we be concerned about emerging technology and its byproducts, such as artificial intelligence (AI)? Yes, if we don't have access to a worldview that suits them; no, if we do.

On the Methodology of Infinitylogy

January 2022

In this article we explain some particularity of the methodology applied by the new discipline Infinitylogy

Matter is bottomless, so keep digging in!

January 2022

In the underlying structure of matter, there is no limit. To dig deep, all we have to do is consider the infinite composition of any phenomenon.

Proposal for a New Approach to Data Management

January 2022

How should we approach the massive amount of scientific data in order to get the most out of it? Here's a suggestion.

Can Infinity Be Operated?

January 2022

While our solid belief in scarcity and limiting resources is harming our planet and human civilization, the material world can provide us with infinite quantities of matter and energy.

One step closer to an infinite source of energy

January 2022

The concept of an endless source of energy is no longer an utopian dream. We are closer than ever to this infiniteness, which will alter the course of human history.

How Infinitist Philosophy Clarifies a Quantum Mechanics Riddle

January 2022

Infinitism theory can assist us in reviewing some of the illusory beliefs we have manufactured around material things.

Infinitism as a Project-Oriented Theory

January 2022

We are not destined to exploit one another and deplete the earth's resources. A paradigm shift might undo all of the harm. This is the implication of Infinitism.

Are Simple and Complex the same? 

January 2022

The simple rules create complexity, but are they so distinct? The theory of Infinitism suggests another point of view on the structure of matter. 

Humanity Between Infinite Development and Disappearance

January 2021

Where is Humanity going to from where we are right now? An endless journey of evolution or vanishing? Both are possible. 

How all existence is interrelated?

January 2022

The article treats one of the main concept of Infinitism, the Universal Solidarity, called also the Total Relatedness. 

How to avoid the ineffective ways of saving the world?

January 2022

We will not be able to solve global issues using the same tactics and approaches that we have already used and overused. It's time to think beyond the box in order to find effective solutions.

Presentation of the CRDI 

A brief presentation of the Center for Research and Development of Infinitylogy

Infinitism and Infinitylogy: Book Presentation

A brief presentation of 5 Books publiahed in 2021

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